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National Taiwan Sport University Sports Museum

Visiting Information

Opening Hours: 

Mondays to Fridays are opening from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. (Free appointment to visit.)

Closed on Weekends.


Visiting Information:

Less than 20 people groups, please contact us a day before visiting day.

Group appointments and guided tours:

1. More than 20 people are visiting groups.

2. Apply within five working days before the scheduled visit date, please.

3. Download the "Group Appointment Visiting Application Form" on the website.

4. Fill in and send it to y_ku@ntsu.edu.tw and call to confirm the itinerary.

    Tel: 886-3-3283201 extension 6503 (Miss Ku)

After review and confirmation by the sports museum, reply to the “Registration Completion Letter” and complete the appointment process.

After the appointment is successful, if you need to cancel or change the date of the visit, you need to email us or contact us before visiting date.



Transportation Information QR code     http://www.sportsmuseum.com.tw/trans.php?id2=2   



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